Pearson Hall

The Haverhill Historical Society seeks your assistance in turning a disused historic structure into a museum and cultural resource center.

What We Envision

  • A regional history museum open the public, with permanent and temporary exhibits devoted to the history of Haverhill and the surrounding area.
  • A carefully chosen and curated collection of historical documents and artifacts, including furniture, textiles, tools, artworks, photographs, and other materials, held in secure and appropriately climate-controlled storage areas.
  • Facilities for area residents and outside experts to study materials from the collection by appointment, and for educators to work with students on research and preservation.
  • Regional and state-wide partnerships with organizations and individuals involved in historic research and historic preservation.
  • A venue for programs on historical topics for area residents.
  • A cultural attraction that will bring tourists to the region.

About Pearson Hall

  • Constructed in 1816 to house Haverhill Academy (downstairs) and the Grafton County Court (upstairs).
  • Over time, the building has also served as a library, village hall, and Masonic meeting place.
  • It remained part of Haverhill Academy until the Academy closed.
  • In 2011, the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance named it to the Seven to Save list.
  • Since 1992, the building has stood vacant. Until now . . . 

What's Been Done

  • Removal of asbestos.
  • Demolition of 1969 connector to neighboring building.
  • Replication of original bell tower balustrade.
  • Cleaning and repointing of brickwork on three facades.
  • Installation of historically appropriate wood doors and Palladian window. 

What Needs to Be Done

  • Installation of utilities.
  • Renovation of interior (see plans).
  • Highlights: circular stairway on either side of entrance; curved ceiling in second-floor courtroom; tin ceilings and wainscotting throughout building.
  • Construction of rear addition to house elevator and second stairway, and to create new main entrance.

How to Help

Send contributions to:

Haverhill Historical Society
PO Box 25
Haverhill, NH  03765